While it is important to read the fine print in all your insurance policies, this is especially true with protection for your home. There can be many exclusions, and it is important to understand all of them, so you know what to expect in terms of coverage if there is a disaster, or damage to the home. Homeowners insurance can be complicated, just like any other policy, and there may be basic exclusions that surprise you; for example, you may not be covered if there is a landslide or an earthquake.
The homeowner’s policy is usually meant to cover the basics in case of an accident, disaster, or theft in your home. Policyholders seek coverage for the structure of their homes to be able to repair damage or rebuild if necessary, buy new belongings or have some things repaired, pay claims in the event they are sued for liability, and in some cases, have funding for living expenses while they cannot live in their home.
California is of course famous for earthquakes, but in many cases, they are not covered in the most basic of policies. Considering that there are thousands of earthquakes in California each year, this is a major consideration for most potential policyholders. Related mudslides and landslides are a worry too, although they are also often caused by rain. Wind and hail may be excluded in some areas too, so do not assume you are covered—and especially not for flood insurance, which may only be available to you through the government. Other water damage, hurricane damage, mold growth, and issues from sewers or septic backing up may not be covered at all either.
Just because something is covered in a standard policy, however, doesn’t mean you can’t purchase extra coverage quite easily. When you purchase insurance, your agent should explain everything thoroughly, and discuss the need for added riders or necessary upgrades. When shopping for insurance, don’t feel compelled to go with the first company or price, but seek out multiple quotes. Also make sure that you are buying enough insurance so that in the case of serious damages you are not left paying for a large portion of damages.
If a dispute over a claim cannot be easily resolved through a call or written communication, our attorneys will advocate on behalf of policyholders through litigation, arbitration, or non-binding mediation. Our attorneys are experienced in representing clients in state and federal courts, at both the trial and appellate level. Call us at 310-320-0725 now or submit an easy consultation request online. We are here to help!