No matter how long you have been in business, you probably maintain a long list of responsibilities and tend to the majority of them daily, working with valued clients, handling employee issues like scheduling and performance reviews, managing financial issues, ordering and dealing with vendors, and so much more–and because of that, having to worry about something like website claims may come as a bit of a surprise.
It Can Be Challenging to Keep Up with Emerging Legal Issues in Business
Not only that, you are expected to know and comply with many different rules, regulations, and laws—from those related to harassment or discrimination charges that could potentially be filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to varying and complicated issues that can arise after someone is terminated or quits and may seek unemployment benefits. There are complexities in hiring independent contractors and creating confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements—as well as protecting intellectual property. And those are just a few examples of what you must worry about.
Even Online Businesses May Be Affected by Discrimination Lawsuits
As the digital age has progressed over the last few decades, methods of doing business have changed enormously too thanks to the internet. We all do many things differently, and much of that is due to the ease that online processes offer—especially for consumers. With that, many of the same legal issues carry over—even if you haven’t thought it about it, and especially for issues with discrimination. Because so much access is provided today over the internet and many businesses are technically run online, all companies must make sure that suitable access is provided on their websites for those who are handicapped. If you fail to do so, you could find yourself being sued with an American with Disabilities Act (ADA) website claim.
ADA Website Issues Are Often Filed as Title III Claims
An ADA website claim falls under what are known as Title III claims, lumped in with other discrimination lawsuits related to issues like lack of access for wheelchairs in parking lots or gas stations, or lack of access or allowance for service animals. Most website claims are filed regarding lack of access for individuals who are visually impaired, but sometimes also for those with hearing impairments when videos are included on websites without sufficient communication for the deaf. Along with being pressed for a settlement, your business may then be forced to show continued compliance in the future.
Contact Us for Help
If you are concerned about an ADA website claim or another business dispute, please contact the attorneys at the Bolender Law Firm. We will aggressively pursue litigation if negotiating a settlement is not possible, using our extensive knowledge of civil procedure, and corporate and commercial code law. Call us at 310-320-0725 now or submit an easy consultation request online. We are here to help!