Automobile Accident: Do You Know What to Do Afterward?

Automobile accident

You and your family probably spend a lot of time in the car, usually without the worry of an automobile accident; in fact, you may feel like you live there more than your own home due to what could be a lengthy commute every day, further travel for business trips, typical errands, and drop-offs and pickups for kids. It is easy to let your guard down and almost drive on auto pilot sometimes, but with traffic incidents continuing to rise in the US, extreme diligence and defensive driving are more important than ever. This goes for anyone on the road too, whether you are in a car, driving a motorcycle, riding a bike, or walking.

The reality is that in nearly any journey you will pass distracted drivers who can’t tear themselves away from their cell phones, those who are speeding, ignoring traffic rules, or even driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Their negligence may put you at risk for a car accident at any time, meaning that you should be prepared far ahead of time to know what to do afterward. Here are five of the most important tips:

  1. Stop the car and take just a few moments to catch your breath and collect yourself after the trauma of an accident. The adrenaline flow afterward will be significant, and it is important to try and get your bearings, so you can then establish whether you or anyone else in the car are injured, as well as checking on the other parties involved.
  2. Call the police immediately and file an accident report, as well as making sure medical help is on the way in the case of injuries. Make sure to note the police officer’s name and badge number and ask for a way to get in touch with them afterward.
  3. Trade all pertinent insurance information and contact information with the other motorist(s).
  4. Take pictures. If you can snap photos of damage to both cars, along with the license plate of the other vehicle. It may also be helpful to have any photos of the entire traffic area, including where the accident occurred, traffic signs, crosswalks, and stoplights.
  5. Ask any possible witnesses for contact information also, as this may be the only time you ever see them again and they could be vital to your case.

If you need help reviewing your insurance policy, or if you suspect your insurance company may be denying your claim in bad faith, contact the attorneys at the Bolender Law Firm.  If a dispute over a claim cannot be easily resolved through a call or written communication, our attorneys will advocate on behalf of policyholders through litigation, arbitration, or non-binding mediation. Our attorneys are experienced in representing clients in state and federal courts, at both the trial and appellate level. Call us at 310-320-0725 now or submit an easy consultation request online. We are here to help!

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