Sued After an Accident: Does the Insurer Pay My Legal Bills?


While purchasing insurance may often seem like a rote task and paying premiums just a financial inconvenience that goes with the territory of buying a home or a car, the idea is to minimize risk for everyone involved. The hope is also that—even with the expenses involved—a claim will never be necessary. Most of us in our lifetime will be in a car accident though, unfortunately, or experience damage to our home or our business. In some cases, it may be our fault too. Either way, experiencing what may be a catastrophic event requiring assistance from your insurer can be extremely stressful. And especially if legal action is involved.

There are many different examples that could include liability claims. You may have been in a car accident and found at fault. In that case, your liability insurance should cover any legal needs. If you own a policy covering you for general liability and a customer takes a spill on the concrete, you could find yourself being sued for substantial medical bills. Fortunately, the money you have been doling out for all those premiums should cover you for a legal defense—unless the situation at hand falls under an exclusion to your coverage.

A legal defense is usually covered and includes investigation of the claim. In many cases they will attempt to settle the claim with the other party. This is common in cases like auto accidents where an insurance adjuster will examine the property damage to the cars, interview all parties involved (including witnesses), and then arrive at a settlement amount to be offered to the injured party. If that is not possible and the case does go to court, you should be covered for the duration of the trial unless there are stipulations in your policy regarding such obligations. It is vital to have a comprehensive understanding of what you are purchasing at the time that you are speaking with your insurance agent before an accident occurs. While even a fender bender can still require hundreds or even thousands of dollars in repairs, an incident including catastrophic injuries or repairs could lead to financial ruin without the proper protection.

Are you concerned about a recent claim, or are you trying to understand your insurance policy? If a dispute over a claim cannot be easily resolved through a call or written communication, the Bolender Law Firm will advocate on behalf of policyholders through litigation, arbitration, or non-binding mediation. Our attorneys are experienced in representing clients in state and federal courts, at both the trial and appellate level. Call us at 310-320-0725 now or submit an easy consultation request online. We are here to help!


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